A journey begins with a single step

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

We're Good to Go

Below you can find an email exchange with Tom Martinek Jr. concerning my study abroad trip:

Hello Tom!

I was in contact with Brandon who is also going to Japan. I know he emailed you about the status of our trips. I just wanted to know if you had spoken with anyone at Nara yet. I am not overly concerned and I have been keeping an eye on the news, but I will probably be emailing Nara in the next week so I thought I'd ask if you had heard anything from them.

Hope everything is well in Greensboro.


Corrinne Rogers


Hi Corrinne,

Thanks for checking in. I have not spoken to the coordinator at Nara. However, I have heard from other schools in that region of Japan and they have all said that they are fine and were not impacted by the earthquake/tsunami. They all plan to continue with this semesters program. I don't anticipate Nara being any different. However, I will write to the coordinator there to confirm this and pass along any updates. Also, I know that someone from Nara had also been communicating with you at different points this semester so feel to write to them directly if you'd like.

Take care and I will keep in touch.



Hey Corrinne,

I received a reply back from the coordinator at Nara and they said that everything is fine there and they are not making any changes to their study abroad programs for this semester and encouraged you to move forward with your plans as normal. She also said that things are operating normally at Kansai International airport.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns that you would like to discuss.


God is good!

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