My Japan Visa came in the mail yesterday! So far, everything is running smoothly concerning the plans for my trip. Now I just have a bunch of little things to do. For example, figure out how I am going to get/use a phone while I am in Japan. Should I switch to an international plan? Do I buy an entirely new phone? Do I wait until I get there? Also, how do I set up my international bank account? Which bank should I use? Other things I have to do include buying little toiletries and things of that nature, figuring out what I'm going to pack, buying a power adapter (since their outlets and electricity differ from ours here), etc.
It's exciting to be down to only the little details. I will be leaving about a month from now! I am completely psyched, and still nervous, but I assume these are both normal emotions. More than anything, I'm ready to get started on this amazing experience!
For now though, I'll do my best to enjoy my last month in the States. : )
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