That was the first time I heard of the giant earthquake and tsunami that had rocked Japan-- the largest in the nation's history. They told me that Nara hadn't been affected since it was pretty far southwest of where the epicenter had been, but they had wanted to check in with me to let me know my study abroad plans would remain the same.
Throughout the day I received numerous texts and facebook comments asking if I was all right. Luckily, I don't leave until March 30th, but it was nice to know people were thinking of me. And now, I'm thinking of the people in Japan. I wonder if any of the people I have yet to meet had family members or friends hurt or killed by the natural disaster.
With this in mind, I encourage everyone to help in the relief effort. There are plenty of organizations already moving to assist those devastated by the quake and tsunami's aftermath.
And as always, continue to pray.
From =angelskully on Deviant Art |
UPI news
BBC News
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