A journey begins with a single step

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

05.10.11 Mushiatsui

I hope my brother had a fabulous 22nd birthday today : )

I slept in as much as I could since I stayed up until 2 AM uploading pictures from Kobe. The first class of the day was my dance class. Once again, since it was in the gym it was absolutely disgusting because of the humidity (mushiatsui!). I was dripping sweat from every pore, and judging by the looks of it, so was everyone else. Also, three people didn't come so we weren't able to practice our individual dances. Our teacher taught us a cool folk dance instead, and then we actually got to learn some Indian Dance, which explains why the class is technically called "Indo Dance." I quickly learned that I suck at it. Not sure exactly why since I play sports and sing. You would think that my sense of rhythm would be better. Oh well, practice makes perfect, right?

Yoonkyung and I ate lunch together again. The weather was shadowy and overcast in addition to the humidity so it was a generally gloomy day. Because I didn't have class until 2:40, Yoonkyung and I went to Tully's for coffee. She was able to help me review my Japanese from yesterday's class, which was a big help. One thing I don't understand about Japanese is that there are a million ways to say the same thing, just more polite or less polite variations. She told me that most of what I am learning isn't often used in normal conversation. Hooray. Still, it is good for me to learn, because who knows when it will come up in the future?

Unfortunately, I did have to go back to class. Beginner's Japanese was actually a lot of fun today. Our small class of eight people sat in a circle and played a variation of the name game. We had to list something we liked and disliked along with our name, and when it went to the next person, they had to repeat whatever was said before them, and so on. It got ridiculously long, and everyone was laughing as we struggled to remember specifics. Then we paired up and did janken (rock paper scissors) to determine who would ask a question from one of many on a paper we were given. Once we went through that a few times we asked questions of each other in a group. Mostly, I felt this was just speaking practice. Lastly, we were given a series of pictures that were out of order. We had to put the story together and describe what was happening in each segment. Overall, I thought it was helpful and interesting.

Then it was time for Business Japanese. I don't think I understood a single word of what was said, other than the fact that we were practicing how to correctly answer the phone if we belonged to a Japanese company. However, I do not belong to a Japanese company, therefore, I had not a single clue of what I should do. It didn't help that all of the worksheets were given had kanji out the wazoo. I struggled to get through it with the help of my partner, but I was really relieved when class was over.

When I got back to my dorm, I found a lovely surprise waiting for me-- a package from Michelle and the other members of UNCG's Japanese Club. I was recently elected president of the Japanese Club for next year, and I was an officer last semester. Everyone involved is crazy fun and I really miss them. Under Michelle's direction, they all wrote me letters of encouragement (and drew pictures) on brightly colored origami paper. In addition, I received a cute figurine of a turtle sitting at a desk (adorable!) Everyone was telling me to study hard and have fun, and that they were excited to see me when I get back. It really made my day and was a pleasant surprise. If any J-Club members are reading this, thank you so much!

I put the letters on a string and hung them above my desk

Later in the evening, I met Yoonkyung on campus so we could study in her office. Well, I studied. She was on facebook the entire time. Really I just translated the kanji on some of my worksheets for next week. I need to buy the textbook for one of my Japanese classes, but I am not sure where I can find it.

In any case, I am glad that I don't have any classes on Wednesday's. I already need another break! 

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