A journey begins with a single step

Monday, May 23, 2011

05.23.11 Let's Get Down to Business

Yes, that was a Mulan reference. I am going through Disney movie withdrawal, okay?

In all seriousness though, today was a productive day. Started the day out right by talking to the best mom in the world: Maria Rogers. (You may think your mom is the best, but that's just because you don't know mine well enough.) Afterwards I went to Japanese class, ate lunch, went to Budou where we got to do more Naginata (badassery ensued with actual sparring), and then to gym class where we played table tennis instead of real tennis because it was raining. Bea and I totally pwned in table tennis. Seriously. The inner competitor in me practically giggled with glee as we beat down every pair we went up against. I should probably feel guilty about this, but I would much rather be happy about it instead.

: ) So I am. Hakuna matata!

 Darn it. There I go again.

After classes were over, I came back to the dorm to find that my textbooks had come in the mail along with two postcards from Michelle, one of my best friends in Greensboro. It definitely brightened my day-- until I remembered I needed to go grocery shopping. Grocery shopping in the "you have nothing but cabbage in your fridge" need to go grocery shopping. I'm happy to say my adventure to Paket (the local supermarket) involved me mastering the skill of riding a bike while holding an umbrella. I felt like a total gangster (not really, but you get the gist.)

With my major chore of the day officially accomplished, I made the most delicious egg and cheese sandwich of my life and sat down at my desk to study (after devouring it, of course).

I ended up taking a two hour nap instead-- no regrets because I was extremely tired. I woke up and got ready to go to the gym, but it turned out that Yoonkyung's part time job went later than she expected and Bea was at a party, so I ended up going by myself. Even this wasn't a downer because I always work harder when I go to the gym alone. I did twenty minutes on the ellipitcal, twenty five minutes on the treadmill, and a good ten minutes of stretching and ab work-- all with the strength of a raging fire.

Okay, okay, last Disney reference, I promise!

Now I am actually studying. And by studying I mean chatting with three friends on facebook and skype while occasionally glancing at the kanji quiz I have open in a separate tab. Ah well, here's to productivity!


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