A journey begins with a single step

Friday, July 1, 2011

07.01.11 七月 Shichigatsu

Wow, is it really July? This is my last full month in Japan. I can hardly believe it. Classes end by the beginning of August, and then I will be traveling, packing, and heading back to America. It's exciting, nerve wracking, and terribly sad all at the same time. But I'm getting ahead of myself...

Today I did what Yoonkyung and Bea told me to and rested all day. I literally did not leave the dorm. My attempt to sleep in failed though because I woke up at 8 am, but at least I got to chat with my friends on skype. As it got closer to lunch time, Bea contacted me so I could give her my grocery list. She was kind enough to go grocery shopping for me since my knee was still feeling strange. It doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it did yesterday (I can walk at least), but something is still not right. I just hope it isn't anything serious.

While I was waiting for Bea to get back with my food I did laundry and watched some TV online. Later, Bea made me some AMAZING au gratin potatoes. Probably the best I have ever had. It was definitely much needed and much appreciated (thanks again!). Afterwards, I crawled back into bed and took a nap. Then I woke up to watch some more TV. Yoonkyung visited me for a little while to see how I was doing. She even brought me some snacks and I got to introduce her to some people via skype. Ah, the wonders of technology.

That was the extent of my day! So, yeah. Kind of scary that I only have one full month and a couple odd weeks left of my exchange, but every day has been fun and I haven't gotten homesick in a long time (knock on wood) so I am staying optimistic.

Thanks again to all my friends here who are keeping me sane. I don't know what I would do without you guys. <3

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